Developing Strong Mid-Level Leaders
Astute Leaders Know That Developing Their Mid-Level Leaders Is A Game Changer
Mid-level management jobs and leadership positions are extremely challenging.
In today’s flatter organizational structures, mid-level leaders are required to handle and juggle a wide range of ever-increasing responsibilities while coping with constantly changing corporate strategies, greater interpersonal conflicts, and team members who are frequently less than highly engaged.
Despite these challenges, mid-level leaders and managers are “the glue between strategy and execution.”
Without strong and skilled mid-level leadership in place, your corporate and divisional strategies will likely to go off track, with results falling short of desired goals.
Additionally, mid-level leaders are usually best placed to orchestrate and implement change. For, as Rosabeth Moss Kanter noted in her Harvard Business Review article The Middle Manager as Innovator, in July/August 2004, mid-level leaders and managers “have their finger on the pulse of the operation and can conceive, suggest, and set in motion new ideas that top managers have not thought of.”
And yet, there is a tremendous lack of formal leadership training and development in organizations for mid-level leaders.

From Individual Contributor to Team Leader
Transitioning from a successful individual contributor role into a supervisory or manager position is fraught with challenges, concerns, and worries. This is a profound change for your employees and comes with high risks of failure, personal dissatisfaction, and team disenchantment or disengagement.
This is why our mid-level leadership training programs focus on these key skills:
- Personal leadership philosophy and mindset
- Creating a core set of leadership behaviors aligned with the organization’s culture
- Communicating as a leader
- Improving decision-making skills
- Leading teams and people
- Leading people development
- Leading for results
- Ensuring accountability
Additional benefits of developing a strong cadre of mid-level leaders in your organization include:
- Increased employee engagement
- Reduced frontline employee turnover
- Reduced mid-level leader attrition
- Improved outcomes and results
- Greater execution on strategic initiatives
Our core competency is turning good managers, supervisors, and leaders into great leaders. Contact us today ([email protected] or 760-835-7870) to discuss how we can help turn your mid-level leaders into great leaders more capable of executing your corporate strategies.