Making Better Decisions Virtual Workshop
Best-Practice Steps to Make More Optimal Decisions
Making decisions is an essential component of every leader’s daily life, both professionally and personally.
Every day supervisors, managers, and leaders make dozens, even hundreds, of decisions. Unfortunately, stress and other factors often lead good leaders to make less-than-optimal decisions.
Too many leaders operate in a “Mind Full” mode. This is not good. A more effective method is to make decisions in a “mindful” mode.
Fortunately, mindful decision making is a skill that can be learned, practiced, enhanced, and ingrained in decision makers at all levels of organizations, from front-line supervisors to senior executives.
Mindfulness is a recognized and established method for stress reduction and all of the many associated ills and problems that result from accumulated stress.
Additionally, stress reduction through mindfulness practices provides a proven leadership performance advantage that comes with the side benefits of greater happiness, health, and wellbeing.

Better Decision Making Virtual Workshop
The foundation of this program is the importance using best-practice steps to prevent emotional hijacking of your decision-making process, to enable better thinking, better decisions, and better outcomes. The program also provides insights into improving your short-term and long-term brain health.
This virtual leadership program comprises four 90-minute interactive modules and is designed for leaders at all levels of organizations – supervisors, managers, senior leaders, and even first-time leaders.
The tips and techniques of the workshop are based on the award-winning book Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes: How to go from Mind Full to Mindful Leadership.
What participants will learn:
- How stress leads to poor thinking and bad decisions.
- How the brain and body communicate during conflict and stress.
- How mindfulness can impact thoughts, reactions, and behaviors.
- How to use mindfulness to make better decisions.
- How to use mindfulness to reduce unconscious bias in decision making.
- How to easily shift into mindfulness at work or home with practical techniques and tips.
- The benefits of mindfulness on your attention, memory, people skills, and personal health.
- A range of methods for improving brain health.
- Why mindfulness produces better results than so-called brain training activities.

What’s Included
Each participant receives:
- Participant’s Guide (Downloadable PDF)
- Mindfulness State Reference Card
- PDF of Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes: How to go from Mind Full to Mindful Leadership
Virtual Program Outline
Session 1
- How busy brains prevent optimal decision making
- Four aspects of mindfulness for leaders
- Misconceptions about mindfulness
- Why mindfulness is a leadership skill
- How successful companies are now incorporating mindfulness into the workplace
- Benefits of mindful meditation for leaders
Session 2
- Common causes of workplace stress
- Why multitasking is NOT the answer
- The perils of multitasking (based on scientific research)
- Understanding your decision-making brain
- FOMO: Fear of Mind Overload
- Decision-making Fears
Session 3
- Impact of stress on thinking and decision-making
- How the brain and body communicate during stress
- Learning to respond, not react, to people, events, and situations
- Methods for overcoming stress at work and in our personal lives
- 12 ways to move into mindfulness at work
Session 4
- Purposeful Breathing techniques
- Achieving Mindful Focus and Mindful Acceptance
- Easy to implement mindfulness practices at work
- Mindfulness impact on decision making
- Benefits of mindfulness for leaders
- Building and maintaining long-term brain health

Contact Us Today
Your organization cannot afford to return to the pre-pandemic world of making decisions under stress, pressure, and emotional duress.
Contact us today ([email protected] or 760-835-7870) to discuss how to benefit from this Making Better Decisions virtual workshop for your team, business unit, or your entire organization.
You cannot build and grow using less-than-optimal decision making in today’s highly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world. This workshop will help you right now…and as the various global economies rebound.