by Steven Howard | Feb 11, 2019 | Decision Making, Leadership Skills, Mindful Leader
Stress Impacts the Amount and Quality of Information Reaching Your Brain In the previous blog post, we wrote about how your brain determines the difficulty of a task and other insights into your decision-making brain. This is important because a lack of quality...
by Steven Howard | Feb 8, 2019 | Decision Making, Leadership Skills
How Your Brain Determines the Difficulty of a Task Decisions shape our lives. As leaders, the decisions we make and execute also shape the lives of our team members, colleagues, direct reports, customers, suppliers, and even the communities in which we operate and...
by Steven Howard | Feb 6, 2019 | Decision Making, Leadership Behaviors, Leadership Skills
Multitasking Results in Leaders Operating in “Mind Full” Mode As mentioned in the previous post, multitasking is not truly a productive way to lead. Nor is it an effective way to accomplish major tasks. While it may seem like doing lots of things at once...
by Steven Howard | Feb 4, 2019 | Decision Making, Leadership Behaviors, Leadership Skills
Multitasking Is Not Truly A Productive Way To Lead As mentioned in the previous post on How Leaders Can Win The Distractions Battle, it is far better to handle the most challenging mental tasks early in the day when cognitive resources are at a peak. This is why I...
by Steven Howard | Feb 1, 2019 | Brain Health, Decision Making, Leadership Behaviors, Leadership Skills
Multitasking Is Detrimental To Focus And Long-Term Brain Health Scientific research tells us that as we age we are more easily distracted by irrelevant information, particularly when experiencing stress or powerful emotions. “Increased distractibility is a sign of...
by Steven Howard | Jan 28, 2019 | Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes, Brain Health, Decision Making, Leadership Behaviors, Leadership Skills
FOMO Should Really Mean Fear Of Mind Overload Our brains are amazing. They control our bodily functions. They recall past events. They provide us with lucid dreams while we sleep or nap. But our brains are also annoying. They never shut off! They continually crave...
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