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Best articles on leadership skills, communications, and cognitive biases

New article links have been added to the Caliente Leadership Recommended Leadership Articles page for the best articles I read last month on leadership skills, decision making, and communicating as a leader.

The ones I found to be the most enlightening were: 

How to Establish the Mindsets That Peg You as an Effective Leader

12 Cognitive Biases to Become a Decisive Leader

3 Red Flags That Suggest Your Leadership Needs Major Improvement

Employees Not Meeting Your Expectations? Blame These 3 Common
Communication Mistakes

Three Cognitive Biases That Allow Bad Ideas To Scale

I hope you find these articles, and the other 1300+ articles listed on the Recommended Leadership Articles page on the Caliente Leadership website, helpful for advancing your leadership career.

Remember: Leaders Are Readers!

New Leadership Development Content

Over the past few months, I have created new virtual and classroom workshops on some of the major issues facing organizational leaders as the world slowly emerges from the pandemic into continued economic uncertainty and ambiguity. These programs include:

Leading Accountable, Empowered IT Teams

Humony Leadership

How to Discuss Burnout, Mental Wellness and Other Difficult Conversations

How Unconscious Bias Impacts Your Decisions and Business Results

Building Adaptability and Resilience as Core Strengths

Dealing with Ambiguity and Uncertainty

Self-Motivation Techniques

Having Straight-Talk Conversations with Your Boss and Peers

The past 24 months have been difficult for all of us. These programs will enable you leaders, managers, and individual contributors to develop professional and personal success in today’s New Abnormal. They are available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Please contact me for content details and delivery options: [email protected]


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