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A Humony Leadership Mindset Is A Better Way To Lead

I created the Humony Leadership Mindset because we have a broken mindset about leadership. Our current leadership mindset is one focused primarily on outputs and results. Our leadership models are designed to thrive in times of consistency and predictability. These models worked when organizational power smothered workforce choices and people’s attitudes on the importance of work dictated perceptions of self-worth and self-image. Those days are history.

Humony Leadership is a better leadership mindset and model. In the previous blog on Humanize, Harmonize, and Futurize Your Organization, I shared with you the concept of Humony Leadership:

Humony Leadership – a created word combining Human, Humanity, and Harmony to emphasize the leading of people and the need for leaders to create workplaces of wellbeing and harmony.

The Humony Leadership model is designed to enable leaders and organizations to thrive in times of uncertainty, ambiguity, and unpredictability. In other words: today’s world. This model focuses on building working relationships and cooperative collaboration environments that empower people (and organizations) to thrive and flourish together in harmony and collective purpose.

The old mindsets and leadership models will continue to work – but with costs and harmful ramifications for organizations, leaders, employees, and society that are not necessary. Humony Leadership is a far better methodology for achieving outcomes and producing results in the new realities of today. Organizations, societies, and – most importantly – our human workforces will benefit significantly from having working environments of harmony and humanity.

The choice is yours. Remain comfortable with your old ways of leading, but pay the costs of high employee turnover and low employee engagement. Or aspire to be the leader and human being your people, family, and community needs for the workplace – and your corner of the world – to become harmonious and thriving places.


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