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Recommended Books on Leadership, Leadership Development, Brain Power and Personal Development

This weekend marks the start of the summer season, at least here in the United States.

What images of summer are most relevant for you? Beach holidays? Cool mountain or lake retreats? Family picnics? Baseball? Fireworks?

For me, it is all of the above — and thoughts of personal development. I always find summer to be a great time to pause and read a couple of personal development or professional development books.

With that in mind, here’s a Summer Reading List to help you grow and develop as a leader and a person…..12 books to read over the 12 weeks of summer (simply click on any of the blue text links to learn more about these books on Amazon):

The Leadership Killer by Bill Treasurer and John Havlik

Shift Into Thrive by Lynn Schmidt and Kevin Nourse

Eleven Rings by Phil Jackson

Winning From Within by Erica Ariel Fox

In Search of Truth by Jacob Kashiwagi

Start With Why by Simon Sinek

Project You: Living A Determined Life by Phronesis

Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain by Sharon Begley

Mindfulness: How To Calm the Mind and Live Stress Free by Erik Smith

Awaken the Giant by Anthony Robbins

Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman

Inner Alignment by Dinesh Senan

And, in case some of these do not appeal to you, here are a few of my own books for your consideration:

Asian Words of Success

Asian Words of Inspiration

Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes: How to go from MInd Full to Mindful Leadership

8 Keys to Becoming a Great Leader: With Leadership Lessons and Tips from Gibbs, Yoda & Capt’n Jack Sparrow

Great Leadership Words of Wisdom

Leadership Lessons from the Volkswagen Saga

Additionally, my full list of recommended books on leadership, brain power, and mindfulness can be accessed through these links:

Recommended Leadership Books 

Recommended Mindfulness and Brain Power Books 

Here’s wishing you a summer full of good reading.

And remember, Leaders Are Readers.


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