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Take Actions Today to Build and Maintain Brain Health 

There are two major health trends happening in the United States — and in fact around many parts of the world — that should be highly concerning to both leaders and societies.

The first, which I will share with you today, is the aging and rapidly increasing obesity in the Baby Boomer generation. This is the generation of retirees, almost retirees, and the eldest portion of today’s workforce. Why is this a concern? Because this generation is entering a period when increasing dementia will be seen, both as a result of fairly inactive retirement living and the negative impact on brain and cardiovascular health resulting from excessive weight and poor dietary habits.

Partially for these reasons, current estimates predict that some 76 million people around the world, including over 10 million in the United States, will be struggling with dementia a decade from now. This will be an increase of over 60% from today’s levels. By 2030, treating Alzheimer’s disease, other forms of dementia, and stroke will be a $1 trillion industry.

Other projections call for 60% of us to be hit with some form of dementia in our lifetimes. The financial costs to society and the emotional costs to our family members are preventable. But we have to start improving the health of our brains now. Mind Full to Mindful Leadership | Better Decision Making | Better Thinking

Unlike physical health, people rarely consider or think about what they could or should be doing for the health of their brains. This is sad because Alzheimer’s related brain changes start as early as our 30s and 40s. This is why it is not just Baby Boomers who are at risk. Frightfully, according to estimates by the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association, 60% of Americans will develop a brain disease in their lifetime.

Fortunately, there is an increasing amount of scientific research suggesting we can improve the health of our brains no matter what age we are. The best time to start a brain improvement plan? Now. The sooner you start the sooner you can make your brain stronger and protect it for the long term.

That’s one key reason why I wrote Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes. Over 76 million people around the world will be struggling with mental wellness issues by 2030. There is no excuse for allowing a 60% increase in the number of people struggling with dementia in the next decade, as currently forecast. Especially when neuroscience is proving that dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are both postponable and maybe even preventable.

Take actions today to start building and maintaining the health of your brain. You can start by reading (and then sharing) Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better OutcomesIt’s available at Amazon in both paperback and Kindle formats.

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