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Doing so also improves thinking skills and enhances analytical capabilities

Everyone knows about the benefits of aerobic exercise and proper nutrition on cardiovascular and overall health. Yet so few people are aware of how exercise, nutrition, and mindfulness can positively impact short-term and long-term brain health.

And while such benefits may be intuitively clear, they are not enough to motivate action and spur behavioral change. At least not with the dozens of leaders I spoke with. The common responses I got were “sounds great” and “most interesting.” Unfortunately, factual information on brain health alone was not going to spark action.

However, once I started illustrating how reducing stress and increasing brain health will lead to better decisions, improved thinking skills and enhanced analytical capabilities, resulting in more desirable outcomes, I had their full attention. Mind Full to Mindful Leadership | Better Decision Making | Better Thinking

And that is what I hope to do with the readers of my new book Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes. Grab your full attention. Show you the facts about how exercise and diet impact your brain. Share with you some of the latest neuroscientific research on how mindfulness and meditation practices actually help you grow new brain neurons and increase cellular connectivity across your brain.

Perhaps most important, I also want to help you find ways to prevent emotions from hijacking your rational, cognitive resources, thus enabling you to make better decisions, think more rationally, and reduce emotional meltdowns and outbursts.

And that is the reason for the order of decisions, thinking, and outcomes in this book’s title. The more linear approach would have been to call this book Better Thinking. Better Decisions. Better Outcomes. After all, thinking leads to decisions and these in turn lead to outcomes.

But I purposely changed this order to Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes. This is because the first decision people need to make is to become mindful, in order to facilitate a better thinking process. The current linear mode of thinking >> decisions >> outcomes is being impacted by stress, overtaxed brains, information overload, etc. So the first step to better thinking — and better outcomes — is to make the decision not to get emotionally hijacked by your overloaded brain, in order to move into a rational thinking mode.

While written with leaders in mind, the book has tips and techniques for everyone who wants to make better decisions — in their personal lives as well as their professional lives – and who want to learn some fundamental best practices for building and maintaining brain health.

Want to start making better decisions? Get your copy of Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes now at Amazon (it’s available in both paperback and Kindle formats). Here’s the link: 

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