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Multitasking Creates Brains That Cannot Concentrate Or Focus

In the previous blog post I shared with you the troubling health trend of the aging and rapidly increasing obesity in the Baby Boomer Generation. And as I mentioned there are two troubling health trends happening in the United States — and in fact worldwide — that leaders need to worry about.

The other troubling trend is produced by Generation X (those born in the years 1965 through 1979) and Millennials (those born in the years 1980 through 2000) to habitually engage in multitasking and to live lives that are tethered to mobile devices and constantly susceptible to electronic notifications. All of these beeps, buzzes, and electronic chimes are activating unconscious stress signals in their bodies. This long-term accumulation of such constant stress is wearing down their brains, with long-term consequences for brain health and future hypertension readingsMind Full to Mindful Leadership | Better Decision Making | Better Thinking

No wonder Generation X (the bulk of day’s workforce, frontline leaders, and senior leaders) has been identified by the American Psychological Association as the most stressed generation in the United States.

In addition, their multitasking habits are creating brains that are losing the ability to concentrate and focus. Unfortunately, losing these abilities is a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. The research is clear: multitasking diminishes productivity, elevates brain fatigue, and increases stress. Yet this has become the main operational mode for many.

These are alarming trends — for companies, organizations, and societies.

Fortunately, they are also reversible trends. But only if the leaders in companies, organizations, governments, and societies take the proper steps — first with themselves and then with their peers, employees, spouses, children, neighbors, and communities.

That’s one key reason why I wrote Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes. Over 76 million people around the world will be struggling with mental wellness issues by 2030. There is no excuse for allowing a 60% increase in the number of people struggling with dementia in the next decade, as currently forecast. Especially when neuroscience is proving that dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are both postponable and maybe even preventable.

Take actions today to start building and maintaining the health of your brain. You can start by reading (and then sharing) Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better OutcomesIt’s available at Amazon in both paperback and Kindle formats.

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