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Leaders Need To Become First Responders, Not First Reactors

Decisions are the lifeblood of companies and organizations. Every day your leaders and employees make hundreds, thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of decisions that impact your revenue, profitability, productivity, and workplace environment.

Unfortunately, far too many of these decisions are being made by leaders and employees who are impacted by stress, overloaded brains, constant interruptions, insufficient time, interpersonal conflicts, tiredness, and unregulated emotions. All of these are impacting their decision-making processes, cognitive abilities, and the outcomes they produce.

When stressed, mentally overloaded, tired, or emotionally hijacked the rational, thinking part of the brain (prefrontal cortex) slows down, while the amygdala takes over and goes into flight-fight-freeze mode. This is not a mode that is conducive to good decision making. In fact, in this mode people often say and do things they later regret. Mind Full to Mindful Leadership | Better Decision Making | Better Thinking

A key reason I wrote Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes is because I have seen far too many good leaders make bad decisions that impacted their colleagues, their organizations, and their careers. Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes shows leaders how to shift from a “mind full” mode into mindful leadership skills.

This book has a range of strategies, techniques, and tips for regaining control of your decision-making process by enabling the rational, thinking center of the brain (prefrontal cortex) to regain jurisdiction. The result will be better decisions, improved cognitive abilities, and better outcomes.

Key topics include:

  • How stress leads to poor decision making
  • The impact and benefits of mindfulness for leaders
  • Steps for reducing stress
  • Tips on improving brain health
  • Techniques for shifting into mindfulness at work and elsewhere

Additionally, stress and our overloaded brains are two of the underlying causes creating conflict, tension, and drama in the workplace.

As a result, our tendency is to react to situations, events, and people abruptly and emotionally. Everyone would be better off with a predisposition to pause and respond instead of react. This is why our emergency personnel are called First Responders, not First Reactors. If they reacted — instead of responded — in emergency situations the results would be dreadful.

As best-selling author Wayne Turmel says of Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes, “The world is becoming more complicated, and making good decisions is both more important and increasingly difficult. This book helps you understand what’s happening to our brains, and what we can do about it.”

Please get your copy of Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes today at Amazon in either paperback ($18.88) or Kindle ($7.88) formats at The techniques described will help you make better decisions and improve your thinking prowess. They will also result in you becoming a less stressed and far healthier person.

And that, I am sure you would agree, are definitely four better outcomes that will definitely benefit you immediately, and for years to come.


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