by Steven Howard | Dec 12, 2018 | Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes, Brain Health, Leading For Results, Leading People
Time to make your workplace less stressful, more engaging and more productive I had several reasons for writing Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes, some of which I shared in the previous post on how reducing stress and increasing brain health leads to...
by Steven Howard | Dec 7, 2018 | Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes, Brain Health, Decision Making, Leadership Skills
Doing so also improves thinking skills and enhances analytical capabilities Everyone knows about the benefits of aerobic exercise and proper nutrition on cardiovascular and overall health. Yet so few people are aware of how exercise, nutrition, and mindfulness can...
by Steven Howard | Dec 5, 2018 | Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes, Brain Health, Decision Making, Leadership Skills
Leaders Are Not Fully Aware Of How Chronic Stress Triggers Poor Decisions My research into Alzheimer’s disease began when I started to assist my father in the latter years of his life. After his passing my research intensified, mostly for selfish reasons (I certainly...
by Steven Howard | Nov 30, 2018 | Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes, Brain Health
The Financial and Emotional Costs of Caring for Parents with Dementia are Increasing In the last two blog posts, I have shared worrying concerns about the increased obesity in the Baby Boomer generation and the risks of multitasking on brain health for the Generation...
by Steven Howard | Nov 29, 2018 | Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes, Brain Health, Uncategorized
Multitasking Creates Brains That Cannot Concentrate Or Focus In the previous blog post I shared with you the troubling health trend of the aging and rapidly increasing obesity in the Baby Boomer Generation. And as I mentioned there are two troubling health trends...
by Steven Howard | Nov 26, 2018 | Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes, Brain Health
Take Actions Today to Build and Maintain Brain Health There are two major health trends happening in the United States — and in fact around many parts of the world — that should be highly concerning to both leaders and societies. The first, which I will share with...
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